It was nice to stay in my PJ's all day and not have to go any where. Just sit around watch movies, craft and play games on the computer. Have been busy all year going to Perth every week end, its been hard to find time to myself.
The main project I have worked on this year was some recycled items for prizes, for a quiz night my school is having in August.
1 bag made from plastic shopping bags 8 dishcloths knitted from teabag strings 8 scourers made from plastic shopping bags.
With taking Adele to Perth every weekend to train and play soccer, 5 hours one way, some times just for the day but mostly we will stay the weekend, I needed a hand project, so I started 3 as you do. The first one I had to keep a secret for awhile, because as I cut fabric out for me I cut some out for my mum to make a kit for her birthday. This one I got the pattern from this blog
She got her idea out of a book, but here is a link to the quilt
Mine has started slowly, have a lot of the fabric cut out and now mum has had her birthday can openly work on it and not be worried she will call in.
The third is a star quilt, it started as a tumbing block with the light, dark, medium and after sewing then pulling out because I was not happy with it many times, I quite like this design.
I hope to get a lot of cutting out these holidays so when schoolstarts again and the trips to Perth I will have lots of hand sewing.
Photos not to good cant find the cord for my camera so had touse Adeles and hers is not a good one.
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